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  • Jul 24,2024
  • Vivriti Asset Management

Union Budget FY2024-25: A roundup of key economic indicators

In the Union Budget FY2024-25, the Centre attempts to strike a balance between job growth, rural development, and fiscal prudence. While fiscal discipline is crucial for better sovereign ratings ...

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Showing 5 latest in Blog

THE PULSE – A monthly digest of key macroeconomic events, June 2024

“There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.” - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin   Domestic Updates Indi ...

  • Jul 10,2024
  • Vivriti Asset Management
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The Month That Was – Macroeconomic takeaways from the month of May 2024

Domestic Economic Updates

  • India’s real GDP growth was recorded at 7.8% YoY in the March 2024 quarter, which translated into a growth of 8.2% for FY24 which ...

    • Jun 07,2024
    • Vivriti Asset Management
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The Month That Was – Macroeconomic takeaways from the month of April 2024

Domestic Economic Updates

  • The Reserve Bank of India in the first Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) meeting of FY2024-25 kept the repo rate unchanged at 6.5%. It ...

    • May 06,2024
    • Vivriti Asset Management
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The Month That Was – Macroeconomic takeaways from the month of March 2024

Domestic Economic Updates

  • Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) readings: India’s manufacturing sector activity grew at the fastest pace in 5 months as reflected ...

    • Apr 05,2024
    • Vivriti Asset Management
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The Month That Was – Macroeconomic takeaways from the month of February 2024

Global Economic Updates  Central bank policy actions

  • The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) kept the benchmark interest rates unchange ...

    • Mar 08,2024
    • Vivriti Asset Management
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